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Translations for systems

Over several years, the undersigned has contributed Norwegian translations of freely available systems, such as Joomla, VirtueMart, Zen Cart, WordPress, WooCommerce, OpenCart, Arastta and osCommerce – with many associated extensions. This is mainly done to help others online, without us having taken any payment for this job or the downloads. The files are normally posted for free download on the respective project pages for this, as well as on GitHub.

This is something I want, and will, continue to do as long as I have the opportunity. But it is probably not to be overlooked that such idealistic work requires a certain “economic freedom” – and our time, like most others, is governed by the need for a decent income. This sets limits on how much we can set aside for translations and later updates.

We will therefore make it possible for the users, especially the commercial ones who profit from the use of the publications, to sponsor translation jobs. You can therefore contact us if there is a translation you are missing, or need updating or language cleaning. We will then estimate the time this job can take, and we can then agree on any price and conditions.

A fixed basic condition will basically always be that the language files must be licensed under an open license (normally GNU GPL v2 or later), and can also be made available to other users for free download.

With this, we hope that we will eventually be able to make available even more, and better translations, freely available to all users of the systems.

If you would like to thank us for translations we have already contributed to, you can give your support via direct bank transfer/deposit to account 1227.62.87077 marked “Thank you for translations”, and you can also do this via card payment or transfer via the PayPal button below .