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Consultancy services, hours (normal hourly rate) – NOK 760,-
Development, user support etc. The hourly rate is based on actual time spent, per commenced hour.

* Agreement customers are given a discount in accordance with the current agreement, as well as deviating conditions in relation to the calculation of time use, where time is rounded up to 15 minutes.

Maintenance agreement (Service agreement)
Operation and maintenance from NOK 380,- per month.

Support agreement
Support from NOK 780,- per month.

Urgent cases
We recommend that you always send an e-mail whenever possible.
Within ordinary opening hours, plus 50% on the normal hourly rate.
Outside normal opening hours, plus 100% on normal hourly rate.

*Regular opening hours are considered weekdays 09:00 – 16:00 (Norwegian time).
*Urgent matters are always based on actual elapsed time, per started hour. Contract customers are also given a discount in accordance with the current contract.
*Inquiries marked as urgent or other things that can be perceived as urgent are considered urgent, as well as phone calls without an appointment.